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Bible Time: Read the story of Palm Sunday from the donkey’s perspective, watch on YouTube or read Matthew 21:1-11.

Palm Sunday Story

“Up until the day I’m going to tell you about, my donkey life hadn’t been that interesting. Mostly I spent my time eating grass and sleeping, but then one day all that changed. I was just having a little sleep when I saw two men coming towards me. They untied my rope and said “Our master needs you”. They started to lead me down the road and my hooves went ‘clippity clop, clippity clop’.

I was quite surprised and a bit nervous. What could their master want me to do? Was he going to ride me? That would be a bit scary because no one had ever ridden on my back before.

My hooves went ‘Clippity clop, clippity clop’. I was quite enjoying the walk when one of the men said, “There He is, There’s Jesus. He’s going to be riding you to Jerusalem.” The other man said “Look, I’ll take my coat off and put it on your back and that will make it more comfortable for Jesus to sit on.”

Jesus stroked my head and tickled me behind the ears. I stopped feeling nervous. Jesus carefully climbed onto my back and we started on our way to Jerusalem. My hooves were going ‘Clippity clop, clippity clop.’

We hadn’t gone very far when I saw lots of people in the distance. I began to feel a bit frightened again but Jesus said “Don’t worry, don’t be afraid.”

To my surprise the people started taking their coats off and laying them on the road. What should I do? I didn’t want to walk all over them, I would make them dirty and some of these people only had one coat. But Jesus whispered in my ear “It’s o.k. This is what Father God wants”. So I walked on. As I walked over the coats the sound of my hooves became much quieter ‘Clippity clop, clippity clop’. It was as if I was walking on soft grass.

Then the people began getting branches from the nearby trees. They started to wave them and cheer. They said “Hurray! Hosanna! God bless the One who comes in the name of the Lord! God bless the King of Israel!”

Wow! Jesus a king! The people’s king! I was carrying a king on my back. I couldn’t believe my ears. I swished my tail proudly. What a wonderful day.

Then I could see the walls of Jerusalem and the big gate into the city. The journey was almost over. I went ‘Clippity clop, clippity clop’ for the last little bit and then it was time to say ‘Good-bye’ to King Jesus. “Thank you”, He said “For carrying me so well.” All I could manage to say was a little “Hee-Haw, Hee-Haw” which is donkey language for “Thank you for choosing me to carry you.”

You can use some musical instruments to make the sound of the clippity clop and the children can join in.

Creative Craft: Watch the video of Julie creating a palm branch out of hand prints and lets use it to praise Jesus.


Using the template of the palm, write down the words you would have said to Jesus as he went by on the donkey and pray those together.

Remember to light a candle and put in your window at 7pm.

A prayer to pray together:

Dear God,

Thank you for the story of Jesus arriving in Jerusalem. Thank you that you came to be a saviour for everybody.

As we prepare for Easter help us to draw close to you and learn more about who you are.

We pray for those in the world who do not know you yet. Help them to recognise you as their Saviour. Amen

Worship Time:

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